Open Podiums

KLINK! Organizes 4 open podiums every year. During these Open Podiums, everyone is free to perform their poetry, short stories, or other spoken word acts. These Open Podiums are a fun way to engage with language in a unique way, and to hear what fellow KL!NKers have created. Join us as a performer, or come and watch- both are free, no KL!NK membership required. The dates for the Open Podiums can be found in the Activities section of the website.

Every Open Podium is different; once a year, KL!NK hosts a “Closed Open Podium”, meaning that it is only open for KL!NK members. This is perfect for more emotional pieces that you might not feel comfortable sharing in more public Open Podiums.
The final Open Podium of the year is also special; it is a more professional, even more well-prepared performance. For this Open Podium, there is a rehearsal beforehand where experienced spoken word performers provide feedback.

Upcoming Open Podiums:

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